IsoSphere Trondheim [2019]
IsoSphere is a permanent art installation specifically designed for Fjordplassen at Powerhouse, Trondheim. The work consists of three large-scale wind turbines that generate electricity to power their own light sequences and two sound compositions that play at every sunrise and sunset.
This piece is directly derived from a broader investigation into self-sustainable generative light and sound installations and artificial life. The first temporary version of this work was the result of an artist-in-residence period and a presentation during Dark Ecology, a research project organized by Sonic Acts and independent curator Hilde Methi in Kirkenes, Norway.
One of the core concepts of the project is inspired by the notion of creating a man-made phenomenon which can only be perceived at specific times and under specific conditions, in a similar vein as certain natural phenomena such as the northern lights, rainbows, and geysers. While these natural phenomena are quite rare, the IsoSphere deal with more regular time structures such as the interval between sunset and sunrise and periods in which it generates enough wind power to set the installation into motion. Through processes like these, the piece exposes its compositional elements, resulting in a sound and light experience. Environmental factors play a role in the way the piece is perceived by the audience, therefore the work creates tension between a time-based experience related to natural phenomena on the one hand and the concept of a concert on the other hand.
In a place like Trondheim light plays an important role in everyday life. The geographic location results in long periods of darkness during winter and long extensive periods of sun during the summer seasons. The IsoSpheres relate to the pattern of the sun, and in this way indicates the changing of the seasons, and the shifting times of the sun rising and setting. Whenever a geological sunset or sunrise occurs, the three sculptures denote this event by playing sound compositions which were specifically developed for this work and its surroundings. These complementary compositions are formed by layers of electronic sounds which are spread out over the three sculptures and their respective sound sources. With the rising of the sun a cluster of synthetic drones appears. The high-pitched tones have an alien and gently alarming quality. They announce the arrival of a period of sunlight. The composition for the sunset consists of more rhythmical elements. It refers to a time when the city bells would be used to notify people of important circumstances. In this case it announces the falling of darkness and a period without sunlight.
IsoSphere Trondheim is a commissioned work by Entra ASA and Trondheim municipality. Production: Joris Strijbos, Spectro Productions and Kunstaal. Art consultant: Espen Gangvik.